

We currently only ship within the United States and US Military Bases. We no longer ship to Canada.

If you are a TikTok Shop, please do not contact us. We are not interested. 

If you have not received an order confirmation email, tracking # for your order,  or instructions on how to view your virtual training products, please check your spam email folder. All of these emails are auto-generated. 

Elite Subscribers: Once you’re logged in, please click “Elite Subscriber” at the top of our homepage to access the Elite Subscriber videos. Please note that if you click “Your Training” at the top of the homepage, you will not have access to the videos there. That is for those who have previously purchased films from us and are not Elite Subscribers.

If you purchased Online Streaming: To view previously purchased films, please log in to your account and click “Your Training” at the top of our homepage. Once you’re on the “Your Training” page, search for your film, click on it, and start watching. Confirmations & instructions are always sent the same day as your order and tracking #’s typically within 24-72 hours, depending on the product. 

If you purchased a USB Drive: If you have any issues with audio not matching up with video, or skipping, it is likely your video player, browser, or internet connection. VLC Media Player is Free and the best free player. Please do not email us until you have tried another player or device. Typically video problems are a player issue, or compatibility issue (for televisions). If you’ve exhausted your options, please then feel free to contact us. 

If you purchased a Digital PDF:  Emails are sent with your PDF link automatically. If you didn’t receive it, it’s in your spam folder. You can also log in to your account to access “downloads”, which is only applicable to Digital PDF. There are No Film Downloads. If you didn’t create an account when you purchased, of course you can’t log in, you will have to use the email that has your PDF link. Also: There are two video clips referenced in the PDF. There is no special log in to access those. You simple click their respective links in the pdf and you’ll be brought to Youtube private videos to watch them. 

Please note that ALL medical items have a 4-6 week lead time for shipping. You may also receive more than one package as items become available.